Thursday 3 December 2009


Tried a new trick a week or two ago with a view to bringing it home how tutors, clever as we are, can't read minds.

Bit of background: I've stressed the importance of 'Scamps' from the word go this year.

Scamps are the quick, cartoon like layouts that Art Directors do to get their ideas down on paper. They're quick and simple to draw, but at the same time they give everyone a clear notion of the thinking behind the the work. The important thing is that they can be 'read' by anyone with a bit of imagination...

For the first couple of weeks, the whole group scamped away dutifully. After that, the scratchy, postage stamp sized doodles made a comeback and we were back to them explaining to me what it was I was actually looking at.

So I told them at the end of a lesson we'd be starting off next time with a show and tell session of their ideas. Only they weren't going to be presenting their own work. They were going to present one another's. And they wouldn't know until the day who they were swapping with so they couldn't brief them beforehand. 'SO NICE BIG NEAT SCAMPS PLEASE..'

Come the day, and half the group had taken heed, half hadn't. Seeing the half that hadn't squirming with embarrassment as their 'other half' tried in vain to explain what the hell they were holding up was, I think, a great way of driving home the lesson:

When you're not there to explain it, your work has to speak for itself. So keep it neat, keep it clear and keep it simple.

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