Friday 30 October 2009

Talking points.

Something significant happened today; it wasn't me doing all the talking.

I'm not entirely sure what I did that was different. I exhorted the students to chip in with their own comments on one another's work as usual... and this time they did.

Perhaps I've said it so often they're getting the idea I actually mean it.

Or, and this has just occurred to me as I write, perhaps it was the fact I removed myself front of the class while they made their presentations in groups...mainly, it has to be said, to get a clear view of the work myself.

I think this served to take the attention off me and somehow opened up the floor to everyone. Perching on a desk three quarters of the way back clearly makes me look like I've shut up and it's someone elses' turn.

Whatever the reason, there was some good, lively debate and opinion flying about the place, so from that point of view... a result!

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