Thursday 15 October 2009

Under the microscope

Now with my student hat on...

Last night was the first of our two 'Micro Teaches.' Ten minutes on a subject of our choice to five fellow trainees.

I chose a map reading exercise. One, because I thought it might be interesting to tackle a subject different to the one I teach. And two, because I need more time to work out how to cram an advertising project (usual duration 7 days at least) into a ten minute exercise.

It went OK by all accounts. And it brought home again how proper planning makes everything more relaxing and straightforward on the night.

I've read one or two articles by musicians and performers in which they say the rehearsal time is the work, the performance the reward. I think the same principle is in operation here, with lessons becoming so much more relaxed and enjoyable when I'm confident with the content.

Several of the feedback sheets commented on the good organisation too, which is nice to hear as 'well organised' isn't my default setting by any stretch of the imagination.

Of course it's easier in a small room of people you're beginning to get to know quite well, who know it's their turn next, than in front of a class of 2nd year students in need of constant motivation...

A great exercise, nevertheless. And where else in a single evening will I get to learn the basic ballet foot positions; CPR and life saving skills; computer jargon busting; and rudimentary medieval medicine?

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